
Attention and safe operation of construction lift

Column:Company news Time:2019-11-14
Attention and safe operation of construction lift

Construction elevator now the construction industry essential goods construction elevator, today xiaobian take you to look at the construction elevator before the start of matters needing attention and safe operation, I hope to help you!

Before the elevator starts, check and confirm that the cable, grounding wire is intact and the control switch is at the zero position. After the power is connected, check and confirm that the voltage is normal, and test that there is no leakage. Should test and confirm that each limit device, ladder cage, enclosure door, such as electrical interlocking device is good and reliable, electrical instrument sensitive and effective. After the start, should carry out no-load lifting test, determine the efficiency of each transmission mechanism brake, confirm normal, before starting the operation.

Two, when the construction elevator operation found abnormal conditions, should immediately stop and take effective measures to lower the ladder cage to the ground floor, troubleshooting can continue to run. Press the emergency stop button immediately if any electrical loss is found during operation. Do not open the emergency stop button before troubleshooting.

3. When the construction elevator runs to the top or bottom layer, it is forbidden to use the limit switch as the control switch to stop the operation.

Four, when the construction elevator in operation due to power failure or other reasons and halfway stop, can be carried out manual descent, the motor tail brake electromagnet manual release handle slowly outward pull, make ladder cage slowly downward sliding. When the ladder cage slides down, it shall not exceed the rated operating speed. Manual descent must be controlled by professional maintenance personnel.